陈楚蕙 - 岳王剑, 潇湘秋雨,洛水仙姬,碧玉簪,错配姻缘
I am so happy to have my idol, Tan Chor Hwee (陈楚蕙), performed for me on my birthday on 22 Mar 2009। Ha ha, what a mere coincidence! I found it so rewarding to have watched the afternoon’s performance। She appeared in many excerpts of the performance। In fact, that was the best show amongst the 3 performances I have watched.
Soon, the afternoon’s performance began. Amazing, Tan Chor Hwee dressed as a general and she sang a song for charity, 慈善事业播春光, in Teochew. Then, she acted in several折子戏 including 岳王剑, 潇湘秋雨, 洛水仙姬, 碧玉簪, 错配姻缘。
I liked 碧玉簪 ‘The Jade Hairpin’ very much. It was exactly the same segment as her black and white movie produced many decades ago. It was simply too wonderful to watch this segment of the show again.
太兴奋了,我的偶像陈楚蕙在我生日当天为我呈现经典潮剧,真是千载难逢的好就会。 哈哈,只能说是巧合。看了3月22日那场日场演出后,觉得很有满足感,因为这是我看过陈楚3场表演的最佳演出。
一开场,陈楚蕙就穿这将军的戏服,威风凛凛的唱出‘慈善事业播春光’。这首歌只有短短的两分多钟,就把戏迷的心玄紧紧地扣住了。 好一个陈楚蕙!接着,陈楚蕙也带来多部折子戏,有岳王剑, 潇湘秋雨, 洛水仙姬, 碧玉簪, 错配姻缘,实在好看。