Sunday, March 22, 2009

陈楚蕙 - 岳王剑, 潇湘秋雨,洛水仙姬,碧玉簪,错配姻缘
I am so happy to have my idol, Tan Chor Hwee (陈楚蕙), performed for me on my birthday on 22 Mar 2009। Ha ha, what a mere coincidence! I found it so rewarding to have watched the afternoon’s performance। She appeared in many excerpts of the performance। In fact, that was the best show amongst the 3 performances I have watched.

I was busy making movie clips the whole morning.The afternoon’s performance commenced at 3 pm. When I was approaching Kreta Ayer Theatre, I met QiLing who also rushed there by taxi. As it was closed to the commencement of the performance, I decided not to visit the back stage.

Soon, the afternoon’s performance began. Amazing, Tan Chor Hwee dressed as a general and she sang a song for charity, 慈善事业播春光, in Teochew. Then, she acted in several折子戏 including 岳王剑, 潇湘秋雨, 洛水仙姬, 碧玉簪, 错配姻缘。

I liked 碧玉簪 ‘The Jade Hairpin’ very much. It was exactly the same segment as her black and white movie produced many decades ago. It was simply too wonderful to watch this segment of the show again.

太兴奋了,我的偶像陈楚蕙在我生日当天为我呈现经典潮剧,真是千载难逢的好就会。 哈哈,只能说是巧合。看了3月22日那场日场演出后,觉得很有满足感,因为这是我看过陈楚3场表演的最佳演出。


一开场,陈楚蕙就穿这将军的戏服,威风凛凛的唱出‘慈善事业播春光’。这首歌只有短短的两分多钟,就把戏迷的心玄紧紧地扣住了。 好一个陈楚蕙!接着,陈楚蕙也带来多部折子戏,有岳王剑, 潇湘秋雨, 洛水仙姬, 碧玉簪, 错配姻缘,实在好看。


Saturday, March 21, 2009

香港小生王陈楚蕙经典潮剧表演晚会 - 21 – 3 - 2009

It was another great evening. Again, Tan Chor Hwee and her team have put up a spectacular performance. It was about 6.30 pm when I reached Kreta Ayer Theatre. This time, my wife and mother-in-law came along too. Then, we met our friends, Susie and Edmund. Edmund’s eyes were very sharp. He could recognize my wife even though I was not beside her.

Later, we decided to go to the backstage. Gosh! The backstage was so crowded and that room where Tan Chor Hwee was painting her face was simply too congested. I could not squeeze in at all. My wife and I decided to go another room where Cai Bixia of the Chinese Opera Institute and Chen GuoLai were busy preparing for the performance. We have a short chat with them.

After a short while, Tan Chor Hwee was ready for photo shoot. She was dressed in civilian. Her fans were just too many and they took turn to take pictures. The photo taking was done quite orderly. I decided to take one with her too. My wife helped me with the photo shoot. I also managed to take one for Susie. It was a great shot indeed. I also took a picture with Yu Lili.

The performance commenced with Tan Chor Hwee singing 高山流水情无涯. It attracted a big round of applause and many fans blew whistle to endorse her performance. She put up 赵少卿选段梦魂, 白玉扇, 蓝继子哭街, 蓝继子遇兄 and 孙安动本

At the end of the performance, the organizer made special arrangement for Chor Hwee’s fans to go on stage. I helped Susie and Edmund to take some pictures when they present bouquets of flowers to Tan Chor Hwee.

又是一个令人难忘的夜晚。 陈楚蕙和她的搭档又为大家献出精彩的潮剧演出。抵达牛车水人民剧场时已经将近傍晚6点半。今晚和太太以及岳母一起观赏潮剧。 今晚也是太太第一次和来自温哥华的林先生和林太太见面。林先生的眼力真不错,我不在太太的身边时,他竟然认得出她。

过后,我们决定到后台去看偶像。哇!后台很热闹,人山人海。陈楚蕙正在化妆的房间更不得了,人多到挤不进。 我们便转道到另一间房间找戏曲学院的蔡碧霞和新加坡著名老生陈国来聊天。问国来当晚演什么,他说你看过的梦魂荷蓝继子遇兄。


陈楚蕙一出场便唱‘高山流水情无涯’,观众的反应非常热烈,又鼓掌又吹口哨。 陈楚蕙和陈国来再一次演出赵少卿选段梦魂,这次很顺利的拍了这出折子戏的短片。陈楚蕙在白玉扇里以女妆演出,在蓝继子哭街市的乞丐装,让人捧腹大笑。热心的观众还拼命的把钞票往台上丢。最后一段折子戏是孙安动本。



Friday, March 20, 2009

陈楚蕙首晚义演 吸引上千戏迷捧场

When I first got to know that Hong Kong Teochew Opera King Tan Chor Hwee is coming to town again, I was so excited. However, as my schedule is very tight, I could only manage to book tickets for 3 performances in advance. Nonetheless, I was able to watch the first performance. It was also a golden opportunity to meet my e-friends, Susie and Edmund, from Vancouver.

I took leave on 19 Mar 09 so that I would have sufficient time to chat with Susie and Edmund. I also invited QiLin to join us for dinner. We had a simple dinner at a restaurant nearby. Then, we made our way to the back stage of Kreta Ayer Theatre. On the first evening, there was limited access to the backstage because the Guest-of-Honour would be making a trip there before the performance began. We managed to have a photo opportunity with Tan Chor Hwee before we entered the Theatre to watch her performance.

Tan Chor Hwee delivered a short speech in Teochew to thank her fans for supporting her. Then, she sang ‘戏剧人生’ and performed in several excerpts including ‘五子挂帅’ and ‘一门三进士’.

知道陈楚蕙要在3月再次来到狮城演出时,非常开心。由于时间的关系,不能每场都看,有点可惜。还好能够出席第一场的表演,并和来自加拿大的朋友夫妇见面以及欣赏演出,兴奋不已。 2009年3月19日下午5。30分约了他们和潮剧好友奇灵一起共用晚餐,然后到剧场观看演出,也趁机到后台找偶像拍照。陈楚蕙在开场时致词感谢观众的支持捧场,然后演唱‘戏剧人生’和演出‘五子挂帅’和‘一门三进士’的潮剧选段。



Wednesday, March 11, 2009







(源- 潮剧大观园)
