Saturday, December 15, 2012


赛荣丰潮剧 - 四郎会母,赵氏孤儿,红鬃烈马


还没出发起前就联系了几个面子簿好友爱卿 (Lin Aiqing) ,查理 (Charlie) 和安东尼 (Anthony), 向他们请示赛荣丰潮剧演出的地点。查理很热情,一直保持联络,终于在12月10日傍晚六点多见面。除了查理,好友安东尼和另一名朋友 (Arty) 也加入,那晚查理几经辛苦才找到演出地点。赛荣丰潮剧那晚演出‘四郎会母’。

一抵达演出地点,查理马上带我去见陈亚娜 (Na Syh)。查理知道我很喜欢她,同时我也是亚娜的面子簿好友。一看到亚娜,以难以形容的兴奋和她拍了几张照片。简单的交谈后,就往后台和陈专花,何丽珠打招呼以及拍照。可惜那晚见不到何金珠。

演出完毕后已近接近11点了,正想回酒店时,团长二姐的妹妹招待我们前往一名住在附近戏迷的豪宅。他们知道我是特地从新加坡赶来看他们的演出,所以要招待‘贵宾’。 还说陈亚娜和何丽珠也随后会参与。那豪宅真的很大,一踏入豪宅就看到5 辆豪华车, 三个女佣。 想必那戏迷是非常富有。与团长二姐和大伙聊了一阵子,陈亚娜和何丽珠真的到来。团长二姐建议唱潮曲,我那三位泰国朋友不会唱,只有我献丑,与何丽珠联合唱除‘柴房会’。和名青衣兼花旦合唱,压力大,他们还说唱得很好。难忘的一夜呀。

12月11日约查理和好友谢继武 (Jacky Chia) 见面,在靠近唐人街的一个中餐馆用餐。这是我第一次见到继武,真的非常开心。晚餐过后,他们和我的家人一起前往赛荣丰潮剧演出地点看戏。当晚先演‘六国封相’,后演‘赵氏孤儿’。 首先到后台和陈亚娜,何丽珠和何金珠见面,也介绍老婆给他们认识。‘六国封相’还没演完,三个孩子一直问几点可以回去,真拿他们没办法。看完两场‘赵氏孤儿’就和大伙回去,留下查理和继武继续看戏。过后,我和继武通电话,示意走的匆忙,很不好意思。

12月12, 继武说要请我和家人吃晚餐,真的非常谢谢他。晚餐后,我自己一人再去看赛荣丰潮剧演出。一抵达后台就看陈亚娜,她说演‘红鬃烈马’,还同时送我一份礼物,真的受宠若惊。我也同时到后台找何金珠,她演出下半场的王宝钏。

‘红鬃烈马’的三段戏:‘三击掌’,‘降马’和‘’别窑‘真的非常好看,精彩。看完后走到后台看到团长二姐,她知道我自己一个人到时,坚持要找人送我回酒店。真的太谢谢二姐了。过后,二姐 找来一名前天见过的朋友,在载何丽珠回去时,拐个弯送我回去。




Saturday, December 08, 2012

和家人与沈炜竣在汕头海鲜@Toa Payoh.

Nick - Teochew Opera

Nick 沈炜竣 performs regularly at Swatow Seafood Restaurant at Toa Payoh. As the Restaurant had installed a small bubble lift for elderly people who have difficulties climbing the flight of stairs, we decided to bring our mother for dinner and booked a table for 10 for dinner on 7 Dec 2012.

When we arrived at the restaurant, it was still quite early. The artistes and Nick were preparing for their performance. When Nick saw me, he greeted me and mother was surprised that I knew Nick.

 Later, Nick came to have a chat with my wife and me. After that, he went to paint his face for the first item. This evening, he paired up with a local Teochew Opera troupe, 新怡梨兴潮剧团. They put up three short play, not exactly excerpts as they were really short.

The first item was 薛丁山. Nick appeared and performed for a short while and later came down from the stage to meet all the guests. We took the opportunity to have a photo shoot with him. It was indeed a memorable moment and exciting experience.

Later, he acted in 告亲夫. Again, he came to meet up with the guests including my table. As he did not perform in the last item, we left after that.

We understand that the Teochew Opera performance is a regular item every Wednesday and Friday. Nick may not perform on some days.

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