Saturday, July 22, 2006

Another Young Man Who Loves to Watch Teochew Opera

Is the heading correct? Yes, absolutely. A few months, I came to know A.C., a young man in his 20's who loves to watch and perform Chinese Opera.

Just a few weeks ago, I got to know another young man, Q.L., who loves to watch Teochew Opera. To be specific, just like my whole family, he likes to watch 陈楚蕙 movies and stage performances. He is really young, less than 20 years old. I am too glad to know such a fan of 陈楚蕙 as we can share common topic about Teochew Opera and 陈楚蕙. We shared our collections and VCDs too. He has a wide range of collections (photos, cassettes, videos, VCDs). This afternoon, my mother, sister and I enjoyed watching 穆桂英招亲. We have not seen this movie before and I must really thank Q.L for lending me that VCD.



At 12:02 AM , Blogger A.C. said...

I quite like Tan Chor Hwee though. I've only watched 1 or 2 of her movies, but I believe they should be better, because now you can see very clearly that age is catching up with her, and she is having a bit of problem doing stunts. Nevertheless, at her age, she's already quite good in her acts.

At 12:38 PM , Blogger Chai Soon 才顺 said...

Agree, but for a person of her age, it is by no means easy to sing and perform stunts. She has been so kind to return on stage to perform for her fans. Frankly, there is no need for her to earn such income because she has her own business. Although she is not young anymore, but she continues to sing very well. Q L told me she might be performing in JB in Apr 2007.

At 9:39 PM , Blogger A.C. said...

There was reports years back saying that she might start a training school for teochew opera in Singapore or something.. do you have any idea about it?

At 10:10 PM , Blogger Chai Soon 才顺 said...

No, I have no idea. May be she can collaborate with the Singapore Opera Institute.

At 9:18 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Hi ppl, QL here, ya her age is catching up with her, that why sometimes when she perform we get a little worried an we told to relax a bit if she needs to do any stunt but everytime as the applause goes louder, she do it even longer. Yup, she performing in JB in April next year, hope that i'll be free to go there and support her. I've called her to ask her to perform 浪子妖姬, hope that she take my suggestion. It was a pity that all her stage play with Fang Qiao Yu was not filmed at all. For eg, 龍鳳呈祥,毛子佩三闖宮,雙翰林,三打王瑛,三看狀元郎,斬韓信,一門三進士,桃園奇冤,瀟湘秋雨,秦原闖道,同命鴛鴦,血手印...


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