Monday, April 19, 2010

Seeing Double In Teochew Opera Performance
双棚窗 - 郑氏姐妹2009秦香莲之杀庙

Seeing double on stage? Wonder how many fans had watched such a performance? Many decades ago, those Teochew Opera troupes in mainland China which had huge resources and many talented artistes did this. They showcased their strengths by stagging a so called 'double stage window' performance. On stage, you need at least two talented artistes or two groups of artistes who resembled one another (ha ha, the best is to deploy identical twins) to perform. This mean two groups of aristes will perform the same item simultaneously on the same stage. Based on the photos which are uploaded here, you can see the artistes performing the same item via mirror-image approach. For example, if two groups depart from the centre stage, one group will move towards the left and another to the right. Isn't that amazing?



潮剧双棚窗在解放前比较多见,当时潮汕大地活跃着各大戏班,有时为了应付竞争或展示剧团的实力会上演双棚窗,早期的双棚窗是两对演员并列表演同样的情节和动作,在上演双棚窗的过程中,演员平日训练的出来的功底、水平便会表现出来,实力稍差的剧团往往会在上演双棚窗的过程中出现动作不同步或唱声参差的情况。 今次两郑的双棚窗增加了镜像和反向效果,很多动作是相反对照做的,和以前的双棚窗又更进一步,现在剧团的水平越来越差,已经很少剧团有能力和心机排演双棚窗。
二十一世纪的双棚窗肯定比二十世纪的有所发展。我将会把短片挂上 youtube,想对双棚窗的演出多了解,就去观看吧。(24 Apr 10, I have uploaded a total of 3 video clips on youtube. Enjoy.)



At 10:13 PM , Blogger Tan Han Ming said...

First time to know "双棚窗". Looking
forward to watch the show. Thank you
so much Chai Soon for your sharing.

At 7:13 AM , Blogger Chai Soon 才顺 said...

Thanks H M for your comments and encouragement. Will try to upload soon. Cheers


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