Sunday, November 19, 2006

广东潮剧院二团 洗马桥 Guangdong Teochew Opera Troupe 2

王锐光 王锐光

Do you know who 王锐光 is? It may not be difficult if you are a Teochew opera fan. He is from 广东潮剧院二团, Guangdong Teochew Opera Troupe 2. I must thank Q L for lending me the set of VCDs, 洗马桥. My wife and I love 洗马桥 very much. The plot is very touching, though the reunion segment could be a little unacceptable.

I found out that 广东潮剧院二团 put up 洗马桥 when they came to Singapore in Dec 2005. I could only blame myself for not watching any of their performances.
Found a website which contains quite a few pictures of 王锐光. However, that website had since been inactive. Here are some of the pictures of 王锐光 in the show 洗马桥 which he acted as 刘文龙.

Below is a write-up of 王锐光, adapted from


   从艺十多年来在众多剧目中担任主要角色。如在 《真假韩廷美》中饰演韩廷美;《血溅三宝袍》中饰演正德皇帝;《洗马桥》中饰演刘文龙;《义女传》中饰演徐谓。曾随团到新加坡、泰国、海南、深圳、广州等地演出,深受海内外潮剧观众好评。期间参加省、市及潮剧院举办的多次演艺比赛获多项奖励。2005年参加广东潮剧中青年演员唱腔比赛荣获“一等奖”;2006年主演《小宴》参加广东省第五届戏剧比赛荣获“金奖”。

The above 3 other photos of 洗马桥 were adapted from an opera fan who contributed many photos in a Teochew opera discussion.

Please share your collections of Teochew opera photos too.

Happy viewing.



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